Funny Shit
Love Poems
Breakup poems
Friend poems
Poems to make you cry
Misc. poems
Inspirational quotes
Song Lyrics
Your Stuff

Sorrows Unleashed

Hello everyone. I've compiled a bunch of quotes, poems, and song lyrics that I've gathered through the years for all of you to see. I've also written some of them myself. I hope you enjoy.
(I don't get on here very often, that is why it hasn't had much added over time. I will try to get on here more often to see the guestbook and add your stuff. Other than that I have a very busy life with my daughter and all and will try to add other stuff if anything catches my interest to share.)


Still under construction

Here are some of my favorite sites:

To get to the stuff I like you have to click browse, and then where it says category find where it says wallpaper, then subcategory is dark. Then where it says submitted put top favorites. Then all you have to do is push apply browse settings, and browse away.


This site has some awesome pics. Just browse around to find the ones you like best.
